CGAL 6.0.1 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
No Matches
CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap > Struct Template Reference

#include <CGAL/boost/graph/Face_filtered_graph.h>


template<typename Graph, typename FIMap = Default, typename VIMap = Default, typename HIMap = Default>
struct CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >

The class Face_filtered_graph is an adaptor that creates a filtered view of a graph by restricting it to a subset of faces.

Contrary to boost::filtered_graph, this class only requires a way to access the selected faces and will automatically select the edges/halfedges and vertices present in the adapted graph. A vertex is selected if it is incident to at least one selected face. An edge is selected if it is incident to at least a selected face. A halfedge is selected if its edge is selected.

Since this class is a model of the FaceGraph concept, there is a restriction on the set of selected faces: the adapted graph must define a manifold mesh. In order to check that this condition is verified, you can use the function is_selection_valid().

There are two different ways to initialize this class: you can directly provide a set of selected faces, or provide a set of patch identifiers as well as a map between faces and patch identifiers. The latter option is convenient if you want to access some connected components of a graph after having called CGAL::Polygon_mesh_processing::connected_components(), or if you want to select only faces of a given color, for example.

The documented interface of this class is limited on purpose and free functions of the concept this class is a model of must be used to manipulate it.

A BGL-like named parameter mechanism is used in the constructors of this class. Default values are available but if you need to set them, you can pass for np CGAL::parameters::face_index_map(fim).halfedge_index_map(him).vertex_index_map(vim) where fim, him, and vim are the respective index maps. The order of the arguments is not important and any of them can be missing if the default is fine.

Template Parameters
Graphmust be a model of a FaceListGraph, HalfedgeListGraph, and VertexListGraph.
FIMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor as key and graph_traits<Graph>::faces_size_type as value
VIMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor as key and graph_traits<Graph>::vertices_size_type as value
HIMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor as key and graph_traits<Graph>::halfedges_size_type as value
Is model of
BGL_surface_mesh/surface_mesh_partition.cpp, Polygon_mesh_processing/face_filtered_graph_example.cpp, and Surface_mesh_segmentation/extract_segmentation_into_mesh_example.cpp.

Public Types

typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor
 Vertex descriptor type.
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge_descriptor
 Halfedge descriptor type.
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::edge_descriptor edge_descriptor
 Edge descriptor type.
typedef boost::graph_traits< Graph >::face_descriptor face_descriptor
 Face descriptor type.
typedef unspecified_type size_type
 Size type.

Public Member Functions

template<class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
 Face_filtered_graph (const Graph &graph, const NamedParameters &np=parameters::default_values())
 constructs an empty face filtered graph (no face is selected)
template<typename FacePatchIDMap , class FacePatchIDRange , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
 Face_filtered_graph (const Graph &graph, const FacePatchIDRange &selected_face_patch_ids, FacePatchIDMap face_patch_id_map, const NamedParameters &np)
 Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a range of patch ids.
template<typename FacePatchIDMap , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
 Face_filtered_graph (const Graph &graph, typename boost::property_traits< FacePatchIDMap >::value_type selected_face_patch_id, FacePatchIDMap face_patch_id_map, const NamedParameters &np)
 Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a patch id.
template<typename FaceRange , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
 Face_filtered_graph (const Graph &graph, const FaceRange &selected_faces, const NamedParameters &np)
 Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a range of face descriptors.
const Graph & graph () const
 returns a const reference to the underlying graph.
Graph & graph ()
 returns a reference to the underlying graph.
template<class FacePatchIDMap >
void set_selected_faces (typename boost::property_traits< FacePatchIDMap >::value_type face_patch_id, FacePatchIDMap face_patch_id_map)
 changes the set of selected faces using a patch id.
template<class FacePatchIDRange , class FacePatchIDMap >
void set_selected_faces (const FacePatchIDRange &selected_face_patch_ids, FacePatchIDMap face_patch_id_map)
 changes the set of selected faces using a range of patch ids
template<class FaceRange >
void set_selected_faces (const FaceRange &selection)
 changes the set of selected faces using a range of face descriptors.
size_type number_of_faces () const
 returns the number of selected faces.
size_type number_of_vertices () const
 returns the number of selected vertices.
size_type number_of_halfedges () const
 returns the number of selected halfedges.
bool is_selection_valid () const
 returns true if around any vertex of a selected face there is at most a single umbrella
void invert_selection ()
 inverts the selected status of faces.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Face_filtered_graph() [1/4]

template<typename Graph , typename FIMap = Default, typename VIMap = Default, typename HIMap = Default>
template<class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >::Face_filtered_graph ( const Graph &  graph,
const NamedParameters &  np = parameters::default_values() 

constructs an empty face filtered graph (no face is selected)

Template Parameters
NamedParametersa sequence of named parameters
graphthe underlying graph.
npoptional sequence of named parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating to each vertex of graph a unique index between 0 and num_vertices(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each halfedge of graph a unique index between 0 and num_halfedges(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each face of graph a unique index between 0 and num_faces(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

◆ Face_filtered_graph() [2/4]

template<typename Graph , typename FIMap = Default, typename VIMap = Default, typename HIMap = Default>
template<typename FacePatchIDMap , class FacePatchIDRange , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >::Face_filtered_graph ( const Graph &  graph,
const FacePatchIDRange &  selected_face_patch_ids,
FacePatchIDMap  face_patch_id_map,
const NamedParameters &  np 

Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a range of patch ids.

Template Parameters
FacePatchIDMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with face_descriptor as key type and whose value type is a model of Hashable.
FacePatchIDRangea model of ConstRange with boost::property_traits<FacePatchIDMap>::value_type as value type.
NamedParametersa sequence of named parameters
graphthe underlying graph
face_patch_id_mapthe property map that assigns a patch ID to each face
selected_face_patch_idsa range of the face patch identifiers to select
npan optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating to each vertex of graph a unique index between 0 and num_vertices(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each halfedge of graph a unique index between 0 and num_halfedges(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each face of graph a unique index between 0 and num_faces(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

◆ Face_filtered_graph() [3/4]

template<typename Graph , typename FIMap = Default, typename VIMap = Default, typename HIMap = Default>
template<typename FacePatchIDMap , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >::Face_filtered_graph ( const Graph &  graph,
typename boost::property_traits< FacePatchIDMap >::value_type  selected_face_patch_id,
FacePatchIDMap  face_patch_id_map,
const NamedParameters &  np 

Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a patch id.

Template Parameters
FacePatchIDMapa model of ReadablePropertyMap with face_descriptor as key type and whose value type is a model of Hashable.
NamedParametersa sequence of named parameters
graphthe underlying graph.
face_patch_id_mapthe property map that assigns a patch ID to each face
selected_face_patch_idthe identifier of the face patch selected
npan optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating to each vertex of graph a unique index between 0 and num_vertices(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each halfedge of graph a unique index between 0 and num_halfedges(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each face of graph a unique index between 0 and num_faces(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

◆ Face_filtered_graph() [4/4]

template<typename Graph , typename FIMap = Default, typename VIMap = Default, typename HIMap = Default>
template<typename FaceRange , class NamedParameters = CGAL::parameters::Default_named_parameters>
CGAL::Face_filtered_graph< Graph, FIMap, VIMap, HIMap >::Face_filtered_graph ( const Graph &  graph,
const FaceRange &  selected_faces,
const NamedParameters &  np 

Constructor where the set of selected faces is specified as a range of face descriptors.

Template Parameters
FaceRangea model of ConstRange with face_descriptor as value type.
NamedParametersa sequence of named parameters
graphthe graph containing the wanted patch
selected_facesthe set of selected faces
npan optional sequence of Named Parameters among the ones listed below
Optional Named Parameters
  • a property map associating to each vertex of graph a unique index between 0 and num_vertices(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each halfedge of graph a unique index between 0 and num_halfedges(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::halfedge_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.

  • a property map associating to each face of graph a unique index between 0 and num_faces(graph) - 1
  • Type: a class model of ReadablePropertyMap with boost::graph_traits<Graph>::face_descriptor as key type and std::size_t as value type
  • Default: an automatically indexed internal map
  • Extra: If this parameter is not passed, internal machinery will create and initialize a face index property map, either using the internal property map if it exists or using an external map. The latter might result in - slightly - worsened performance in case of non-constant complexity for index access.