CGAL 6.0.1 - CGAL and the Boost Graph Library
No Matches


The concept FaceGraph refines the concept HalfedgeGraph. It adds the requirements for a graph to explicitly maintain faces described by halfedges, to provide access from a face to an incident halfedge, and to provide access from a halfedge to its incident face.

A partial specialization must be provided for CGAL::graph_has_property for each internal property map available.

Associated Types

A face descriptor corresponds to a unique face in an abstract graph instance. A face descriptor must be DefaultConstructible, Assignable, EqualityComparable, and Hashable.

Has models
See Boost Graph Traits Specializations
See also
Graph Concepts

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename FaceGraph >
boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::face_descriptor face (boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor h, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns the face incident to halfedge h.
template<typename FaceGraph >
boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::halfedge_descriptor halfedge (boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::face_descriptor f, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns the halfedge incident to face f.
template<typename FaceGraph >
boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::degree_size_type degree (boost::graph_traits< FaceGraph >::face_descriptor f, const FaceGraph &g)
 returns the number of halfedges incident to face f.