CGAL 6.0.1 - 2D Regularized Boolean Set-Operations
No Matches
GeneralPolygon_2 Concept Reference



A model of this concept represents a simple general-polygon. The geometric mapping of the edges of the polygon must be \( x\)-monotone curves. The concept requires the ability to access these curves. The general polygon represented must be simple. That is, the only points of the plane belonging to two curves are the geometric mapping of the polygon vertices. In addition, the vertices of the represented polygon must be ordered consistently, and the curved must be directed accordingly. Only counterclockwise oriented polygons are valid operands of Boolean set-operations. General polygon that represent holes must be clockwise oriented.

Has models


typedef unspecified_type X_monotone_curve_2
 represents a planar (weakly) \( x\)-monotone curve.
typedef unspecified_type Curve_iterator
 an iterator over the geometric mapping of the polygon edges.
typedef unspecified_type Curve_const_iterator
 a const iterator over the geometric mapping of the polygon edges.


 GeneralPolygon_2 ()
 default constructor.
 GeneralPolygon_2 (GeneralPolygon_2 other)
 copy constructor.
GeneralPolygon_2 operator= (other)
 assignment operator.
template<class InputIterator >
 GeneralPolygon_2 (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end)
 constructs a general polygon from a given range of curves.

Access Functions

Curve_iterator curves_begin ()
 returns the begin iterator of the curves.
Curve_iterator curves_end ()
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the curves.
Curve_const_iterator curves_begin ()
 returns the begin const iterator of the curves.
Curve_const_iterator curves_end ()
 returns the past-the-end const iterator of the curves.


template<class Iterator >
void init (Iterator begin, Iterator end)
 initializes the polygon with the polygonal chain given by the range.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Curve_const_iterator

a const iterator over the geometric mapping of the polygon edges.

Its value type is X_monotone_curve_2.

◆ Curve_iterator

an iterator over the geometric mapping of the polygon edges.

Its value type is X_monotone_curve_2.

◆ X_monotone_curve_2

represents a planar (weakly) \( x\)-monotone curve.

The type of the geometric mapping of the polygonal edges. It must model the concept ArrTraits::XMonotoneCurve_2.

Member Function Documentation

◆ init()

template<class Iterator >
void GeneralPolygon_2::init ( Iterator  begin,
Iterator  end 

initializes the polygon with the polygonal chain given by the range.

The value type of Iterator must be X_monotone_curve_2.

The curves in the range must define a simple polygon.