CGAL 6.0.1 - CGAL Basic Viewer
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CGAL::Graphics_scene_options< DS, VertexDescriptor, EdgeDescriptor, FaceDescriptor, VolumeDescriptor > Struct Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Graphics_scene_options.h>


template<typename DS, typename VertexDescriptor, typename EdgeDescriptor, typename FaceDescriptor, typename VolumeDescriptor = void>
struct CGAL::Graphics_scene_options< DS, VertexDescriptor, EdgeDescriptor, FaceDescriptor, VolumeDescriptor >

The class Graphics_scene_options is used to tune the way that the cells of a given data structure of CGAL are considered.

The different std::function can be modified to change for example the behavior of the drawing. VolumeDescriptor can be void for data structures that do not represent volumes.

This class is a model of GraphicsSceneOptions when VolumeDescriptor is void, or a model of GraphicsSceneOptionsWithVolumes otherwise (VolumeDescriptor non void).

Template Parameters
DSa data structure of CGAL.
VertexDescriptora descriptor of vertices of DS.
EdgeDescriptora descriptor of edges of DS.
FaceDescriptora descriptor of faces of DS.
VolumeDescriptora descriptor of volumes of DS. void by default.
Is model of
GraphicsSceneOptions or GraphicsSceneOptionsWithVolumes
Basic_viewer/draw_mesh_and_points.cpp, Basic_viewer/draw_surface_mesh_height.cpp, Basic_viewer/draw_surface_mesh_small_faces.cpp, and Basic_viewer/draw_surface_mesh_vcolor.cpp.

Public Types

typedef VertexDescriptor vertex_descriptor
typedef EdgeDescriptor edge_descriptor
typedef FaceDescriptor face_descriptor
typedef VolumeDescriptor volume_descriptor