CGAL 6.0.1 - 2D Arrangements
No Matches
CGAL::Arrangement_on_surface_2< GeometryTraits, TopologyTraits >::Halfedge Class Reference

#include <CGAL/Arrangement_on_surface_2.h>

Inherits from

typename Dcel::Halfedge.


template<typename GeometryTraits, typename TopologyTraits>
class CGAL::Arrangement_on_surface_2< GeometryTraits, TopologyTraits >::Halfedge

An object \( e\) of the class Halfedge represents a halfedge in the arrangement.

A halfedge is directed from its source vertex to its target vertex, and has an incident face lying to its left. Each halfedge has a twin halfedge directed in the opposite direction, where the pair of twin halfedges form together an arrangement edge, that is, a \( 1\)-dimensional cell, associated with planar \( x\)-monotone curve.

Halfedges are stored in doubly-connected lists and form chains. These chains define the inner and outer boundaries of connected components.


 Halfedge ()
 default constructor.

Access Functions

All non-const methods listed below also have const counterparts that return constant handles, iterators or circulators:

bool is_fictitious () const
 determines whether the halfedge is fictitious (i.e., connects two vertices at infinity and is not associated with a valid curve).
Vertex_handle source ()
 obtains a handle for the source vertex of e.
Vertex_handle target ()
 obtains a handle for the target vertex of e.
Arr_halfedge_direction direction () const
 obtains the direction of the halfedge: ARR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT if e's source vertex is lexicographically smaller than it target (so the halfedge is directed from left to right), and ARR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT if it is lexicographically larger than the target (so the halfedge is directed from right to left).
Face_handle face ()
 obtains the face that e is incident to (The face lies to the left of e).
Halfedge_handle twin ()
 obtains the twin halfedge.
Halfedge_handle prev ()
 obtains e's predecessor in the connected component it belongs to.
Halfedge_handle next ()
 obtains e's successor in the connected component it belongs to.
Ccb_halfedge_circulator ccb ()
 obtains a circulator that allows traversing the halfedges of the connected component boundary (CCB) that contains e.
const Traits::X_monotone_curve_2 & curve () const
 obtains the \( x\)-monotone curve associated with e.

Member Function Documentation

◆ ccb()

template<typename GeometryTraits , typename TopologyTraits >
Ccb_halfedge_circulator CGAL::Arrangement_on_surface_2< GeometryTraits, TopologyTraits >::Halfedge::ccb ( )

obtains a circulator that allows traversing the halfedges of the connected component boundary (CCB) that contains e.

The circulator is initialized to point to e.

◆ curve()

template<typename GeometryTraits , typename TopologyTraits >
const Traits::X_monotone_curve_2 & CGAL::Arrangement_on_surface_2< GeometryTraits, TopologyTraits >::Halfedge::curve ( ) const

obtains the \( x\)-monotone curve associated with e.

e is not a fictitious halfedge.