extracts the surface mesh from an input stream in the Object File Format (OFF) and appends it to the surface mesh sm.
This function reads points, as well as vertex normals, vertex and face colors, and texture vertex coordinates if those attributes are available in the input. These last four attributes are stored in internal property maps of sm named "v:normal", "v:color", "f:color", and "v:texcoord", respectively, which will be created if they do not already exist. If property maps are passed through named parameters (see below), then they are used instead of the internal ones.
Ignores comment lines which start with a hash, and lines with whitespace.
The graph sm is not cleared, and the data from the stream is added.
Template Parameters
The type of the point property of a vertex. There is no requirement on P, besides being default constructible and assignable. In typical use cases it will be a 2D or 3D point type.
This overload of write_OFF(std::ostream&, const Graph&) will also output the following property maps internal to the surface mesh, if they exist and if they are not already present in the named parameters:
vertex normals (property map named "v:normal" in the surface mesh)
vertex colors (property map named "v:color" in the surface mesh)
vertex textures (property map named "v:texcoord" in the surface mesh)
face colors (property map named "f:color" in the surface mesh)
Template Parameters
The type of the point property of a vertex. There is no requirement on P, besides being default constructible and assignable. In typical use cases it will be a 2D or 3D point type.