CGAL 6.1 - dD Frechet Distance
No Matches
FrechetDistanceTraits Concept Reference



using Dimension = CGAL::Dimension_tag< d >
 Dimension type with the ambient dimension d.
using Point_d = unspecified_type
 Point type.
using FT = unspecified_type
 The number type of the Cartesian coordinates of type Point_d.
using Cartesian_const_iterator_d = unspecified_type
 A random access iterator type to enumerate the Cartesian coordinates of a point, with FT as value type.
using Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d = unspecified_type
 Functor with operator()(const Point_d&) and operator()(const Point_d&, int) for constructing a begin and past-the-end Cartesian_const_iterator_d, respectively.
using Construct_bbox_d = unspecified_type
 Functor with operator to construct the bounding box of an object of type Point_d, result type is either CGAL::Bbox_2, CGAL::Bbox_3 or CGAL::Bbox_d depending on Dimension.
using Compare_squared_distance_d = unspecified_type
 Functor with operator to compare the squared distance of two objects of type Point_d with a bound of type FT, returning a CGAL::Comparison_result.


Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object () const
 Function used to construct an object of type Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d.
Construct_bbox_d construct_bbox_d_object () const
 Function used to construct an object of type Construct_bbox_d.
Compare_squared_distance_d compare_squared_distance_d_object () const
 Function used to construct an object of type Compare_squared_distance_d.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Compare_squared_distance_d

Functor with operator to compare the squared distance of two objects of type Point_d with a bound of type FT, returning a CGAL::Comparison_result.

Only needed by class template CGAL::Frechet_distance_Neighor_search.

◆ FT

The number type of the Cartesian coordinates of type Point_d.

It must be a model of FieldNumberType. For a given FT n, to_interval(n) must be a valid expression and it must return an interval containing n, represented by a std::pair<double, double>.