CGAL 6.1 - 2D Arrangements
#include <CGAL/Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2.h>
CGAL::Arr_non_caching_segment_basic_traits_2< Kernel >.
The traits class Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2
is a model of the ArrangementTraits_2
concept that allows the construction and maintenance of arrangements of line segments.
It is parameterized with a CGAL-Kernel type, and it is derived from it. This traits class is a thin layer above the parameterized kernel. It inherits the Point_2
from the kernel and its X_monotone_curve_2
and Curve_2
types are both defined as Kernel::Segment_2
. Most traits-class functor are inherited from the kernel functor, and the traits class only supplies the necessary functors that are not provided by the kernel. The kernel is parameterized with a number type, which should support exact rational arithmetic in order to avoid robustness problems, although other number types could be used at the user's own risk.
The traits-class implementation is very simple, yet may lead to a cascaded representation of intersection points with exponentially long bit-lengths, especially if the kernel is parameterized with a number type that does not perform normalization (e.g. Quotient<MP_Float>
). The Arr_segment_traits_2
traits class avoids this cascading problem, and should be the default choice for implementing arrangements of line segments. It is recommended to use Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2
only for very sparse arrangements of huge sets of input segments.
While Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2
models the concept ArrangementDirectionalXMonotoneTraits_2
, the implementation of the Are_mergeable_2
operation does not enforce the input curves to have the same direction as a precondition. Moreover, Arr_non_caching_segment_traits_2
supports the merging of curves of opposite directions.