CGAL 6.0.1 - 3D Surface Mesh Generation
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SurfaceMeshVertexBase_3 Concept Reference


The concept SurfaceMeshVertexBase_3 describes the vertex base type of the three dimensional triangulation used to embed the surface mesh.

More precisely, the first template parameter SurfaceMeshC2T3 of the function template CGAL::make_surface_mesh() is a model of the concept SurfaceMeshComplex_2InTriangulation_3 which describes a data structure to store a pure two dimensional complex embedded in a three dimensional triangulation. In particular, the type SurfaceMeshC2T3 is required to provide a three dimensional triangulation type SurfaceMeshC2T3::Triangulation_3 The concept SurfaceMeshVertexBase_3 describes the vertex base type required in this triangulation type.


The surface mesher algorithm issues frequent queries about the status of the vertices with respect to the two dimensional complex that represents the current surface approximation. The class SurfaceMeshVertexBase_3 offers a caching mechanism to answer more efficiently these queries. The caching mechanism includes two cached integers, which, when they are valid, store respectively the number of complex facets incident to the vertex and the number of connected components of the adjacency graph of those facets.

Has models
See also


bool is_c2t3_cache_valid ()
 Returns true if the cache is valid.
void invalidate_c2t3_cache ()
 Invalidates the cache.
int cached_number_of_incident_facets ()
 Returns the cached number of facets of the complex incident to the vertex.
int cached_number_of_components ()
 This method concerns the adjacency graph of the facets of the complex incident to the vertex and returns a cached value for the number of connected components this graph.