CGAL 6.0 - Handles and Circulators
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CGAL Namespace Reference


struct  Bidirectional_circulator_base
class  Bidirectional_circulator_ptrbase
 bidirectional circulator. More...
struct  Bidirectional_circulator_tag
struct  Circulator_base
class  Circulator_from_container
 The adaptor Circulator_from_container provides a circulator for an STL container C of equal category as the iterator provided by the container. More...
class  Circulator_from_iterator
 The adaptor Circulator_from_iterator converts two iterators of type I, a begin and a past-the-end value, to a circulator of equal category. More...
struct  Circulator_tag
 A tag for any circulator type. More...
struct  Circulator_traits
 The circulator traits class distinguishes between circulators and iterators. More...
class  Container_from_circulator
 The adaptor Container_from_circulator is a class that converts any circulator type C to a kind of container class, i.e. a class that provides an iterator and a const_iterator type and two member functions (begin() and end()) that return the appropriate iterators. More...
struct  Forward_circulator_base
class  Forward_circulator_ptrbase
 forward circulator. More...
struct  Forward_circulator_tag
struct  Iterator_tag
 A tag for any iterator type. More...
struct  Random_access_circulator_base
class  Random_access_circulator_ptrbase
 random access circulator. More...
struct  Random_access_circulator_tag


template<class C >
void Assert_circulator (const C &c)
 checks at compile time if its argument is a circulator.
template<class I >
void Assert_iterator (const I &i)
 checks at compile time if its argument is an iterator.
template<class IC >
void Assert_circulator_or_iterator (const IC &i)
 checks at compile time if its argument is a circulator or iterator.
template<class I >
void Assert_input_category (const I &i)
template<class I >
void Assert_output_category (const I &i)
template<class IC >
void Assert_forward_category (const IC &ic)
template<class IC >
void Assert_bidirectional_category (const IC &ic)
template<class IC >
void Assert_random_access_category (const IC &ic)
template<class C >
C::difference_type circulator_distance (C c, C d)
 The distance of a circulator c to a circulator d is the number of elements in the range [c, d).
template<class C >
C::size_type circulator_size (C c)
 The size of a circulator is the size of the data structure it refers to.
template<class IC >
bool is_empty_range (const IC &i, const IC &j)
 is true if the range [i, j) is empty, false otherwise.
template<class IC >
iterator_traits< IC >::difference_type iterator_distance (IC ic1, IC ic2)
 The following function returns the distance between either two iterators or two circulators.
template<class I >
Iterator_tag query_circulator_or_iterator (const I &i)
 This function matches for type I if the iterator category of I belongs to an iterator.
template<class C >
Circulator_tag query_circulator_or_iterator (const C &c)
 This function matches for type C if the iterator category of C belongs to a circulator.