CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits from



The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits from



The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.

CGAL 5.5 - 2D Triangulations
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > Class Template Reference

#include <CGAL/Constrained_triangulation_plus_2.h>

Inherits Tr.


template<typename Tr>
class CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> provides a constrained triangulation with an additional data structure that keeps track of the input constraints and of their refinement in the triangulation.

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2<Tr> inherits from its template parameter Tr, which has to be instantiated by a constrained or constrained Delaunay triangulation. The intersection tag of the base class determines whether intersecting input constraints are supported or not. When intersections of input constraints are supported, the base class constructs a triangulation of the arrangement of the constraints, introducing new vertices at each proper intersection point.

The data structure maintains for each input constraint the sequence of vertices on this constraint. These vertices are either vertices of the input constraint or intersection points.

The following description does not match the code Two consecutive vertices of an input constraint form a subconstraint. A subconstraint is a pair of vertex handles and corresponds to a constrained edge of the triangulation, which is a pair of a face handle and an index.

The triangulation also enables the retrieval of the set of subconstraints of the triangulation (not ordered along constraints). It further enables the retrieval of the set of input constraints that induce a subconstraint. As it is straightforward to obtain a subconstraint from a constrained edge e, one can obtain the input constraints which induce e.

Template Parameters
Trmust be either a CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_2 or a CGAL::Constrained_Delaunay_triangulation_2
See also
Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.


class  Context
 A context enables the access to the vertices of a constraint that pass through a subconstraint. More...

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

template<typename Tr >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Writes the triangulation as for Tr, then writes one constraint per line, starting with the number of vertices and the indices of the vertices of the constraint.
template<typename Tr >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr > &ctp)
 Reads a triangulation from stream is and assigns it to the triangulation.


typedef Tr Triangulation
 The triangulation base class.
typedef Tr::Intersection_tag Intersection_tag
 The intersection tag as defined in Tr.
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_id
 The identifier of a polyline constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Constraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the input constraints. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Constraint_iteratorConstraints
 A range type for iterating over all constraints.
typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Subconstraint
 A subconstraint is a pair of vertices that correspond to an Edge.
typedef unspecified_type Subconstraint_iterator
 An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Subconstraint_iteratorSubconstraints
 A range type for iterating over all subconstraints.
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint_iterator
 An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint. More...
typedef unspecified_type Vertices_in_constraint
 A range type for iterating over the vertices of the constraint.
typedef unspecified_type Context_iterator
 An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint. More...
typedef Iterator_range< Context_iteratorContexts
 range type for iterating over contexts.


 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces an empty triangulation.
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &ct)
 Copy constructor.
template<class ConstraintIterator >
 Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last, const Geom_traits &gt=Geom_traits())
 Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last). More...


Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 operator= (const Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 &tr)
 Assignment. More...
void swap (Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 tr)
 The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped. More...

Insertion and Removal

The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 overwrites the following insertion and removal member functions for points and constraints.

Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Face_handle start=Face_handle())
 inserts point p as a vertex of the triangulation.
Vertex_handle insert (const Point &p, Locate_type lt, Face_handle loc, int li)
 inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i). More...
Vertex_handle push_back (const Point &p)
 Equivalent to insert(p).
template<class PointIterator >
size_type insert (PointIterator first, PointIterator last)
 inserts the points in the range [first,last). More...
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Point a, Point b)
 inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation. More...
void push_back (const std::pair< Point, Point > &c)
 inserts the constraint c.
Constraint_id insert_constraint (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb)
 inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation. More...
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id insert_constraint (PointIterator first, PointIterator last, bool close=false)
 inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id. More...
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (ConstraintIterator first, ConstraintIterator last)
 inserts the constraints in the range [first,last). More...
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t insert_constraints (PointIterator points_first, PointIterator points_last, IndicesIterator indices_first, IndicesIterator indices_last)
 Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last). More...
void split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints (const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &is_terminal)
 splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints. More...
void remove_constraint (Constraint_id cid)
 removes the constraint cid, without removing the points from the triangulation.


Constraint_iterator constraints_begin () const
 returns a Constraint_iterator that points at the first constraint of the triangulation.
Constraint_iterator constraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the constraints of the triangulation.
Constraints constraints () const
 returns a range of constraints.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_begin () const
 returns a Subconstraint_iterator pointing at the first subconstraint of the triangulation.
Subconstraint_iterator subconstraints_end () const
 returns the past-the-end iterator of the subconstraints of the triangulation.
Subconstraints subconstraints () const
 returns a range of subconstraints.
int number_of_enclosing_constraints (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context context (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_begin (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Context_iterator contexts_end (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb). More...
Contexts contexts (Vertex_handle va, Vertex_handle vb) const
 returns a range of contexts.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator on the first vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vertices_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns an iterator past the last vertex on the constraint cid.
Vertices_in_constraint vertices_in_constraint (Constraint_id cid) const
 returns a range of the vertices on the constraint cid.

Polyline Simplification


The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints.

The algorithm removes in each simplification step a vertex of a constraint and at the same time from the triangulation. The class Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 stores for each constraint not only the sequence of vertices but also the original sequence of points at those vertices. As the Vertices_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the current set of vertices, the Points_in_constraint_iterator enables the traversal of the points that were in the constraint before the simplification algorithm started.

It enables the simplification algorithm to compute the error introduced by each simplification step: it is the distance of the current sequence (vertices) to the original sequence (points).

Those stored points which do not correspond to a vertex can be removed afterward either for a single constraint or for all constraints.

The simplification algorithm uses the following types and functions.

typedef unspecified_type Points_in_constraint_iterator
 This is an advanced type. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_begin (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
Points_in_constraint_iterator points_in_constraint_end (Constraint_id cid) const
 This is an advanced function. More...
void simplify (Vertices_in_constraint_iterator vicq)
 This is an advanced function. More...
size_type remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex (Constraint_id cid)
 This is an advanced function. More...
void remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ()
 This is an advanced function. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Constraint_id

The identifier of a polyline constraint.

The class is model of Assignable, CopyConstructible, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable and EqualityComparable.

A default constructed Constraint_id is a singular value that can not be the ID of a constraint.

◆ Constraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the input constraints.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is Constraint_id.

◆ Context_iterator

An iterator on constraints enclosing a given subconstraint.

The value type of this iterator is Context.

◆ Points_in_constraint_iterator

This is an advanced type.


An iterator on the points of the original constraint before simplification steps are applied. The value type of this iterator is Point. A Vertices_in_constraint_iterator can be converted into a Points_in_constraint_iterator, but not the other way around.

◆ Subconstraint_iterator

An iterator to visit all the subconstraints of the triangulation.

The order of visit is undefined. The value type of this iterator is std::pair<Subconstraint,std::list<Context>*> corresponding to the vertices of the subconstraint.

◆ Vertices_in_constraint_iterator

An iterator on the vertices of the chain of subconstraints representing a constraint.

The value type of this iterator is Vertex_handle.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Constrained_triangulation_plus_2()

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2 ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last,
const Geom_traits &  gt = Geom_traits() 

Introduces a constrained triangulation from the constraints in the range [first,last).

Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

Member Function Documentation

◆ context()

template<typename Tr >
Context CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::context ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the Context relative to one of the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_begin ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator pointing at the first Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ contexts_end()

template<typename Tr >
Context_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::contexts_end ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns an iterator past the end Context of the sequence of contexts corresponding to the constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ insert() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
Vertex_handle CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( const Point &  p,
Locate_type  lt,
Face_handle  loc,
int  li 

inserts point p in the triangulation at the location given by (lt,loc,i).

See also

◆ insert() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last 

inserts the points in the range [first,last).

Returns the number of inserted points.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraint() [1/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Point  a,
Point  b 

inserts the constraint segment ab in the triangulation.

If the two points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

Triangulation_2/constrained_hierarchy_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/constrained_plus.cpp, Triangulation_2/polylines_triangulation.cpp, and Triangulation_2/segment_soup_to_polylines.cpp.

◆ insert_constraint() [2/3]

template<typename Tr >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 

inserts a constraint whose endpoints are the vertices pointed by va and vb in the triangulation.

If the two vertex handles are equal no constraint is inserted, and the default constructed Constraint_id is returned.

◆ insert_constraint() [3/3]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator >
Constraint_id CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraint ( PointIterator  first,
PointIterator  last,
bool  close = false 

inserts a polyline defined by the points in the range [first,last) and returns the constraint id.

The polyline is considered as a closed curve if the first and last point are equal or if close == true. This enables for example passing the vertex range of a Polygon_2. When traversing the vertices of a closed polyline constraint with a Vertices_in_constraint_iterator the first and last vertex are the same. In case the range is empty Constraint_id() is returned. In case all points are equal the point is inserted but no constraint, and Constraint_id() is returned.

Template Parameters
PointIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type Point.

◆ insert_constraints() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class ConstraintIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( ConstraintIterator  first,
ConstraintIterator  last 

inserts the constraints in the range [first,last).

Note that this function is not guaranteed to insert the constraints following the order of ConstraintIterator, as spatial_sort() is used to improve efficiency. More precisely, all endpoints are inserted prior to the segments and according to the order provided by the spatial sort. Once endpoints have been inserted, the segments are inserted in the order of the input iterator, using the vertex handles of its endpoints.

the number of inserted points.
Template Parameters
ConstraintIteratormust be an InputIterator with the value type std::pair<Point,Point> or Segment.

◆ insert_constraints() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
template<class PointIterator , class IndicesIterator >
std::size_t CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::insert_constraints ( PointIterator  points_first,
PointIterator  points_last,
IndicesIterator  indices_first,
IndicesIterator  indices_last 

Same as above except that each constraint is given as a pair of indices of the points in the range [points_first, points_last).

The indices must go from 0 to std::distance(points_first, points_last)

Template Parameters
PointIteratoris an InputIterator with the value type Point.
IndicesIteratoris an InputIterator with std::pair<Int, Int> where Int is an integral type implicitly convertible to std::size_t

◆ number_of_enclosing_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
int CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::number_of_enclosing_constraints ( Vertex_handle  va,
Vertex_handle  vb 
) const

returns the number of constraints enclosing the subconstraint (va,vb).

va and vb refer to the vertices of a constrained edge of the triangulation.

◆ operator=()


All the vertices and faces are duplicated. The bidirectional mapping between constraints and subconstraints is also duplicated.

◆ points_in_constraint_begin()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_begin ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator to the first point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ points_in_constraint_end()

template<typename Tr >
Points_in_constraint_iterator CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::points_in_constraint_end ( Constraint_id  cid) const

This is an advanced function.


Returns an iterator past the last point on the constraint before any simplification step.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [1/2]

template<typename Tr >
size_type CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( Constraint_id  cid)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the original points that correspond to vertices in the constraint cid which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() [2/2]

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex ( )

This is an advanced function.


Removes all original points that correspond to vertices in the constraints which have been removed by the simplify() function.

◆ simplify()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::simplify ( Vertices_in_constraint_iterator  vicq)

This is an advanced function.


Removes the vertex at vicq from the constraint and the triangulation. The point of that vertex remains stored in the sequence of original points of the constraint until remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex(Constraint_id) or remove_points_without_corresponding_vertex() is called.

The polyline simplification algorithm described in Chapter Chapter_2D_Polyline_simplification operates on polyline constraints and applies simplify() to vertices in constraints based on a cost and stop function.

Each vertex of the triangulation must be either a vertex of a constraint or a vertex at the intersection of constraints.
vicq must neither be the first nor the last vertex on a constraint.
The vertex referred by vicq is not contained in any other constraint.
Let vip and vir be defined as vip = std::prev(vicq) and vir = std::next(vicr).
The line segment between *vicp->point() and *vicr->point() must not intersect any constraint.

◆ split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::split_subconstraint_graph_into_constraints ( const std::function< bool(Vertex_handle)> &  is_terminal)

splits into constraints the graph of subconstraints.

Consider the graph g={V,E} where V is the set of vertices of the triangulation and E is the set of all subconstraints of all constraints of the triangulation.

This function splits into polylines the graph g at vertices of degree greater than 2 and at vertices for which is_terminal(v)==true.

Each computed polyline is stored as a constraint of the triangulation.

all existing constraints will be discarded.
is_terminalAn optional function returning true if the vertex v of degree 2 is a polyline endpoint and false otherwise. If omitted, a function always returning false will be used, that is no degree 2 vertex will be considered as a polyline endpoint.
See also

◆ swap()

template<typename Tr >
void CGAL::Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >::swap ( Constrained_triangulation_plus_2< Tr >  tr)

The triangulations tr and this triangulation are swapped.

This operation should be preferred to the assignment or to the copy constructor if tr is deleted after that.