CGAL 5.4 - 3D Fast Intersection and Distance Computation (AABB Tree)
AABBRayIntersectionTraits Concept Reference


The concept AABBRayIntersectionTraits is a refinement of the concept AABBTraits. In addition to the types and functions required by AABBTraits it also requires function objects to calculate the distance of an intersection along a ray.

Has Models:
See also

Public Types

typedef unspecified_type Ray_3
 Type of a 3D ray.
typedef unspecified_type Intersection_distance
 A functor object to compute the distance between the source of a ray and its closest intersection point between the ray and a primitive or a bounding box. More...

Public Member Functions

Intersection_distance intersection_distance_object () const
 returns the intersection distance functor.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Intersection_distance

A functor object to compute the distance between the source of a ray and its closest intersection point between the ray and a primitive or a bounding box.

An empty boost::optional is returned, if there is no intersection. When there is an intersection, an object of type FT is returned such that if i1 and i2 are two intersection points, then i1 is closer to the source of the ray than i2 iff n1 < n2, n1 and n2 being the numbers returned for i1 and i2 respectively.

Provides the operators: boost::optional<FT> operator()(const Ray_3& r, const Bounding_box& bbox). boost::optional<std::pair<FT, Intersection_and_primitive_id<Ray_3>::Type > > operator()(const Ray_3& r, const Primitive& primitive).

A common algorithm to compute the intersection between a bounding box and a ray is the slab method.