CGAL 6.0.1 - The Heat Method
No Matches
#include <CGAL/Simple_cartesian.h>
#include <CGAL/Surface_mesh.h>
#include <CGAL/Heat_method_3/Surface_mesh_geodesic_distances_3.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
typedef Kernel::Point_3 Point_3;
typedef CGAL::Surface_mesh<Point_3> Triangle_mesh;
typedef boost::graph_traits<Triangle_mesh>::vertex_descriptor vertex_descriptor;
typedef Triangle_mesh::Property_map<vertex_descriptor,double> Vertex_distance_map;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
const std::string filename = (argc > 1) ? argv[1] : CGAL::data_file_path("meshes/");
Triangle_mesh tm;
if(!CGAL::IO::read_polygon_mesh(filename, tm) ||
std::cerr << "Invalid input file." << std::endl;
//property map for the distance values to the source set
Vertex_distance_map vertex_distance = tm.add_property_map<vertex_descriptor, double>("v:distance", 0).first;
vertex_descriptor source = *(vertices(tm).first);
CGAL::Heat_method_3::estimate_geodesic_distances(tm, vertex_distance, source) ;
std::cout << "Source vertex " << source << " at: " << tm.point(source) << std::endl;
for(vertex_descriptor vd : vertices(tm))
std::cout << vd << " ("<< tm.point(vd) << ")"
<< " is at distance " << get(vertex_distance, vd) << std::endl;
return 0;
bool is_triangle_mesh(const FaceGraph &g)
bool is_empty(const FaceGraph &g)
bool read_polygon_mesh(const std::string &fname, Graph &g, const NamedParameters &np=parameters::default_values())
void estimate_geodesic_distances(const TriangleMesh &tm, VertexDistanceMap vdm, typename boost::graph_traits< TriangleMesh >::vertex_descriptor source, Mode)
computes for each vertex of the triangle mesh tm the estimated geodesic distance to a given source ve...
Definition: Surface_mesh_geodesic_distances_3.h:907
std::string data_file_path(const std::string &filename)