CGAL 6.1 - Polygon Mesh Processing
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A.Guéziec, G.Taubin, F.Lazarus, and B.Horn. Cutting and stitching: Converting sets of polygons to manifold surfaces. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 7(2):136–151, 2001.


Romain Aubry and Rainald Löhner. On the most normal normal. Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 24(12):1641–1652, 2008.


M Audette, D Rivière, M Ewend, A Enquobahrie, and S Valette. Approach-guided controlled resolution brain meshing for fe-based interactive neurosurgery simulation. In Workshop on Mesh Processing in Medical Image Analysis, in conjunction with MICCAI 2011, pages 176–186, 2011.


M. Botsch and L. Kobbelt. A remeshing approach to multiresolution modeling. In Proceedings of the 2004 Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Geometry processing, pages 185–192. ACM, 2004.


Mario Botsch and Olga Sorkine. On linear variational surface deformation methods. Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on, 14(1):213–230, 2008.


M. Botsch, L. Kobbelt, M. Pauly, P. Alliez, and B. Lévy. Polygon mesh processing. CRC press, 2010.


Paolo Cignoni, Claudio Rocchini, and Roberto Scopigno. Metro: measuring error on simplified surfaces. In Computer Graphics Forum, volume 17, pages 167–174. Blackwell Publishers, 1998.


M. Desbrun, M. Meyer, P. Schröder, and A. H. Barr. Implicit fairing of arbitrary meshes using diffusion and curvature flow. In Computer Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH '99), pages 317–324, 1999.


Marion Dunyach, David Vanderhaeghe, Loïc Barthe, and Mario Botsch. Adaptive remeshing for real-time mesh deformation. In Eurographics 2013. The Eurographics Association, 2013.


Michael Kazhdan, Jake Solomon, and Mirela Ben-Chen. Can mean-curvature flow be modified to be non-singular? In Computer Graphics Forum, volume 31, pages 1745–1754. Wiley Online Library, 2012.


Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Pascal Romon, Boris Thibert, and David Coeurjolly. Interpolated corrected curvature measures for polygonal surfaces. Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Symposium on Geometry Processing), 39(5), August 2020.


Jacques-Olivier Lachaud, Pascal Romon, and Boris Thibert. Corrected curvature measures. Discrete & Computational Geometry, 68:477–524, July 2022.


P. Liepa. Filling holes in meshes. In Proceedings of the 2003 Eurographics/ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Geometry Processing, pages 200–205. Eurographics Association, 2003.


M. Meyer, M. Desbrun, P. Schröder, and A. H. Barr. Discrete differential-geometry operators for triangulated 2-manifolds. In VisMath, 2002.


V. Surazhsky and C. Gotsman. High quality compatible triangulations. Engineering with Computers, 20(2):147–156, 2004.


Min Tang, Minkyoung Lee, and Young J Kim. Interactive hausdorff distance computation for general polygonal models. In ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), volume 28, page 74. ACM, 2009.


Sébastien Valette and Jean-Marc Chassery. Approximated centroidal voronoi diagrams for uniform polygonal mesh coarsening. Computer Graphics Forum, 23(3):381–389, 2004. Eurographics 2004 proceedings.


Sébastien Valette, Jean-Marc Chassery, and Rémy Prost. Generic remeshing of 3d triangular meshes with metric-dependent discrete voronoi diagrams. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 14(2):369–381, 2008.


Bolun Wang, Teseo Schneider, Yixin Hu, Marco Attene, and Daniele Panozzo. Exact and efficient polyhedral envelope containment check. ACM Trans. Graph., 39(4), July 2020.


M. Zou, T. Ju, and N. Carr. An algorithm for triangulating multiple 3d polygons. In Computer Graphics Forum, volume 32, pages 157–166. Wiley Online Library, 2013.